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Creating Healthy Boundaries May 18, 2023

Having healthy boundary conversations is important in maintaining healthy relationships and preventing burnout. Here are some tips for having healthy boundary conversations:

  1. Identify your needs and values: Before having a boundary conversation, it's important to identify your needs and values....
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Leadership Burnout Recovery Tips May 07, 2023

As a leader I found myself sinking further and further into the quicksand of tasks, to-do lists and never ending new projects. That on top of personal life chaos was a perfect storm for burnout. Here are a few tips to help you begin your recovery journey as a leader. Utilize the burnout recovery...

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Phases of Burnout Recovery: Phase Three Understanding Apr 10, 2023

If you've made it to this phase, I commend you and all that hard work. It is very few that have the commitment, discipline and beast inside them to make it through the first two phases. Not a reader, watch phase three here: YouTube Video Link

Phase three is called understanding. It will seem...

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Phases of Burnout Recovery: Phase Two Confused Mar 24, 2023

Are you a visual learner? Watch and subscribe to the video version here: YouTube Video Link

Realization of Control. In phase two of burnout recovery you will recognize that your own actions caused you the most pain. Ouch, that one hurt didn't it? It is our own self that is destructive with...

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What Will Others Think Feb 13, 2023

"What will others think"

A simple statement yet large hurdle.

When I coach leaders this statement comes up quite often. Why they don't speak up during meetings, ask for support or begin crucial conversations. 

What I have realized through years of training is that everyone has something...

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3 Setbacks in Your Workday Jan 30, 2023

Ready to revamp your workday back toward energy? Avoid these three setbacks causing you to move further into zombie mode toward burnout:

1. Lack of Purpose - You are driving your workday based on requests, obligations and distractions. It is okay for these actions to be in your day, but not run...

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Comparison Coffin Jan 16, 2023

 Why Me?

Do you ever feel like things are harder for you than others. That it seems, at least at this point in your life, that everyone has their 'stuff' together. That things would be easier if you just had...money, time, health, support, community, family, friends, etc. 

Three reasons...

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Energy Boosters Jan 02, 2023

There are three areas to focus on when grabbing up extra energy for your transformational journey:

  1. Mind - What you are around, you become. 
  2. Body - Optimize the temple and it will treat you well. 
  3. Soul - Purposeful work, serving others, true identity actions. 

Tip #1

Unwind to...

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Phases of Burnout Recovery: Phase One Lost & Lonely Dec 19, 2022

Journey. To sum up the transformation from burnout with physical collapse to where I am now that would be the word. It wasn't until I was leading others through this process that three phases could be observed. Each with its won trials, setbacks, new hurdles and celebrations. Let's break down...

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Transformational Poem Nov 21, 2022

For my upcoming book release, Leaving the Darkness: A Proven and Practical Burnout Guide, a good friend and supporter wrote a poem to contribute to this work. He observed my burnout collapse, recovery and transformation into what you see today. He took those observations and wrote this poem that...

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Distractions Nov 07, 2022

It’s frustrating when you can’t fight the interrupting behavior causing distraction. To just be clear, I’m not talking about others here. I’m talking about our own behaviors. The grabbing of your smartphone multiple times per hour. The busy body tendencies to keep your...

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Unlearning Sep 19, 2022

During any recovery you find new hurdles along the journey. Challenges that creep up worst than the last. For burnout one of the hardest parts after a glimpse light at the end of the tunnel is a another valley of darkness to crawl out of. These surprises were not events but unlearning what got...

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