The NOT To-Do List
May 01, 2024Part of 'zombie mode' is feeling overwhelmed and you cannot get ahead no matter how many hours you put in.
Some of these tasks in our head are not ours to complete. Here's how to sort those thoughts out into different categories. Whatever is left, is what you focus on.
- Step One: List everything on your plate
- Step Two: What is other people's responsibilities
- Step Three: Tasks out of your control
- Step Four: Energy-drainers (if urgent, yes you will still have to complete)
- Step Five: Doesn't need to get done.
When working with organizations to engage energy and productivity while preventing burnout, these steps come up in the delegation discussion. Then we find out there is more clarity needed around communication, roles and responsibilities. Then we discover more training and upskilling is needed in certain roles. And so on....
Training programs are the investment of keeping a focus on your workforce so they understand stress management tools and how to support one another in a team environment.