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Synergy Starts With YOU

Jun 24, 2024

There is a trending hangup when working with workforce teams in the category of SYNERGY. It's not lack of action in the team, it's not committing on a individual level. Therefore leaking into the team. If we cannot find synergies with ourself, how do we expect others to show up? This can be a hurdle as a team works through change, so let's dig into it a little further here. 


Do you trust yourself to complete the actions you sought out to do? Do you trust your skillset, mindset and strength to take on new challenges? If not, what is holding you back? What do you need to let go of? What's the fear dragging you back, keeping you stuck in old ways?

Start there and you'll slowly feel that baggage decrease, lighting the load you carry day after day. 


Did you do what you say, when you said you were going to do it? If not, why? Were those challenges predictable? It is difficult to increase reliability within your team if you are not stepping up to your commitments as well. A hard lesson to learn in the mirror I know. If we now see that, we have more control now to correct it as it is brought to a more conscious state of mind. 


Based on research, a majority of the population has a difficult time holding themself accountable. They either need a external partner, coach or leader to check in often or link pain/gain to something else. For example:

"If I don't do this task, the team will not be able to complete the project" (linking pain to others)

"If I don't do this habit in my routine, the result of _______ will be much worse" (future state)


Spending a few moments throughout the day reflecting on progress, how much you completed or that challenging conversation you got through is the start of recognition. It will be less likely you decrease and deflect team recognition events if you are already giving yourself a pat on the back. When was the last time you gave yourself the recognition you deserve for all these growth steps? Do it daily and it will flow out to others genuinely versus a forced effort. 


These go hand and hand. If you are not connected with the overall goal, people or direction then you are not engagement. Vise versa - if you are not engaged, participating, attentive to what is going on...then you are not connected. Finding value in where you are going will be important in any change journey. Connecting with like-minded people, those in your industry or trade will assist along the way. They will have good third party insight to bring in and bring in different perspectives speaking your language. It might be enough to get you out of your own head and back to exploring. 

Imagine a team that focuses on these SYNERGY components both as individuals and team members. The challenges they can take on! 

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