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Sustaining New Habits

Apr 25, 2022

The hardest part about change is establishing new routines and breaking the old ones. Since your brain likes to run on autopilot, the process can be difficult and why most people quit. According to Mayo Clinic, only 2.7% of Americans maintain healthy habits. It can take 18-254 days to establish an action to autopilot routine. That may seem discouraging but lets break it down into three easy ways to approach new actions so the brain comes on board with the plan. 

Action #1

It's a losing fight if trying to change triggers as your first stop on the transformational journey. Triggers run deep in years of past experiences. Focus on the natural response action you do and try an alternative action to those original triggers. 

Action #2

It's great to explore different response actions. It's unproductive to copy someone else's. Find a new routine that fits YOUR lifestyle and interests.

Action #3

It's easy to fall back into old response routines unless you are taking a minute to recognize how the new actions are making your mind and body feel. Observe and reflect these positive changes as proof to your brain to continue. Don't shoot for perfection, measure progress. 

Action #4

Make it easy for the brain. Lining up exercise clothes right by your feet when you wake up. Having a cup of water right in front of that empty coffee mug you will be pouring. A podcast episode lined up right in your playlist. The brain spend 47% of its day on autopilot and wish it could do it more. Make new habits easy to take action (less thinking) and it's more likely to happen. 


Do you need some support? Let's chat and begin making your action plan a reality!

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