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Setup Your Day

May 02, 2022

When reviewing my burnout recovery there were a few actions that really supported the journey. Let's just get it out there right now that I am not a morning person, never was. Even after getting up at 5:30am for the last seven years with kids, I still do not enjoy mornings. Yet here are my top 8 actions to complete in the morning that were game-changing in burnout recovery. 

  • Don't hit the snooze, it's the first excuse of the day. You have now given the brain permission to make more excuses as it's okay to not commit. This is a big play by your ego, don't give it more power. 
  • No phone! This is a big one. If you look at your phone in the morning, the subconscious will be in response mode and you control less of the day. Response mode happens from reviewing email, news or social media first thing when the brain is alert (right when you wake up). 
  • Water. Set a cup of water in front of your coffee that will ease this transition. In order to get to the coffee, you have to drink the cup already prepped right in front of you. This helps moderate caffeine intake that can steal energy from the afternoon. 
  • Movement. This can be full workout or stretching. Your body has been in a rest state all night long, time to get circulation going! In burnout your organs are strained and this extra blood circulation goes a long way. 
  • Journal, practice gratitude or meditate. Get those fresh thoughts out on paper if possible. I started with a productivity journal that helped guide me as well as setup my goals for the day and keep me on track. 
  • Reflect on prep actions. Take a moment before you head out the door and recognize the hard prep work the night before to make your morning a little more spacious and easy. If you did not prep, reflect on what you could do tonight to make tomorrow's transition out the door better. It's the small things such as a ready-made lunch, clothes already picked out or kid school items already in vehicle. 
  • Commute mindset. How do you switch gears of the hustle to clarity of work matters, even if working from home. Listen to music or podcasts that pumps you up. Line these playlists ahead of time to sustain the habit. 
  • Door triggers. What do you tell yourself as you enter the door at work or if at home your work space. Take five seconds to ask empowering or uplifting questions. Set the stage for the day and the brain will look for proof throughout the rest of your shift. 

I am not a morning person. Yet after practicing these actions for a couple weeks, I felt re-energized. Suddenly my body and brain were craving these moments and excited to get up in the morning. This led to a realization that I was not a morning person because that is what I was telling myself everyday. Be careful of the power of the mind. It can be a friend to move you forward but also an enemy holding you back. 

What else might be holding you back? The inner workings of the brain goes back centuries to keep us safe. Check out the mindset coach episode on the brain narrative of difficult people here: Mindset Episode

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