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Phases of Burnout Recovery: Phase Two Confused

Mar 24, 2023

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Realization of Control. In phase two of burnout recovery you will recognize that your own actions caused you the most pain. Ouch, that one hurt didn't it? It is our own self that is destructive with excessive phone use, unhealthy boundaries, work addiction and leading our lives by others expectations. And we wonder how we get so misaligned to a point of mental or physical burnout collapse. 

Recognition of Emotions. By this time of your recovery you will be identifying specific emotions to start addressing. Resentment is an emotion of envy, not anger. Are you actually grieving your past life, friends, and those expectations not successfully completed. This is the importance of a third party coach or program, helping guide you through the fog. 

Finding Like-Minds & Communities. This recovery phase isn't all bad. During this time, as you let some people leave your life, it will create room for others to enter. But since you are now focused on the areas you enjoy, it will be with people that provide an energetic environment instead of draining it. 

Identifying Time Value. Time is not unlimited but the same everyday. You will through this phase start recognizing what energizes you and what does not. Spend your time accordingly to generate more of what you need. 

Mixed Directional Signs. Since most of this phase you are dabbing into new and unknown territory, you may be concerned if the direction is the wrong way. Trust your gut. Give space to reflect on what is really happening in the moment. Most likely it is just uncomfortable, not the wrong way. 

Exhaustion. Your body is exiting out of survivorship mode. It will be tired but feels safe enough to relax. Let it rest. Read outdoors, go for walks, nap. Remember you have just been at war with yourself for weeks, months or even years. Give your mind, body and soul some grace as it recovers. 


These phases are not easy and why most people turn back to old ways. But you cannot unlearn what you know about yourself now. Keep going, the next phase is a beautiful place to be. If you are struggling, grab up some support through a coaching session, Schedule Here, or a self-paced independent recovery program through the burnout compass program: Start Here


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