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Burnout Prevention Action: Serving Others

May 09, 2022

Did the title already seem exhausting to you? When we are in burnout, the last thing on the list is to do another activity. And yes, there is a level of too much action that will be counter-active. One action that may be worth your while to explore is serving others through volunteering. Here is why:

  • We get stuck in our own heads. Thinking the world is out to get us and this narrative spins over and over again. Volunteering brings perspective and possible gratitude to the little things we may not observe while in survivorship mode. Small areas that may prove to the brain that we are safe such as shelter, food and water. 
  • Create low and high energy ways to provide acts of kindness. It's not a one size fits all the time type deal. For example: on low energy days providing motivating or encouraging comments to someone at the store or on social media might be the pick-me-up they needed. Give someone a hug, embrace or listening ear as a supportive gesture. On high energy days attend volunteering opportunities: setup events, organize food banks, assist thrift stores, duties at a local shelter, etc. 
  • Volunteering brings back value in the real work you do. It has a large ripple affect and impact to those you're serving. When there is a mismatch in your job, that is not aligned with your values...serving others may help reset this area back toward energy. 
  • In most cases, these volunteering activities are a break from technology and moves people back toward community. We are tribal creatures and community brings you out of isolation, a great burnout prevention tool!
  • Life purpose type activities contains a natural drive, direction and motivation you cannot get many other places. At your job you may love it, but also get paid to complete tasks. Volunteering is unpaid and that type of effort is pure self-will driven by making this world a better place. A purposeful mission bigger than yourself. 
  • Sense of accomplishment by 'checking off' something on your list for the week. A natural dopamine reward. 

The difference between burnout suffering and learning is the story you tell yourself. Add some new chapters to the current pages by serving others. Explore through the following websites to find volunteering opportunities near you:,,

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