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3 Setbacks in Your Workday

Jan 30, 2023

Ready to revamp your workday back toward energy? Avoid these three setbacks causing you to move further into zombie mode toward burnout:

1. Lack of Purpose - You are driving your workday based on requests, obligations and distractions. It is okay for these actions to be in your day, but not run your day. Take back control by setting intention, priorities and focus to move items off the to-do list and make an impact.

Action - Try a productivity planner or journal to put your thoughts into words, clear and accountable. There are electronic versions but I still like the old fashion dopamine hit of a hard copy planner that I can cross things off a list, checkmark with pride and look back with ease. My favorite planner over the last two years has been through Clever Fox Planners. Check out the planners here: Clevor Fox Planners

2. Poor Body Fuel - Simply put, if you stick crap in you get crap performance. Fuel the body in the way it was meant to run and you get a beast. Think sharp, move smoothly, fresh and strong. 80% of chronic disease can be resolved by lifestyle changes, a majority in the diet category. Think of what you can do, who you could be with premium fuel.

Action - Most likely you already know this. Habit and routine changes are difficult. Take a look at other blog posts, podcast episodes or setup a coaching session with me to start digging into reducing this hurdle: Coaching Session

3. No Reflection - We get into the cycle of zombie mode because there is not change. But what if there is growth and you don't recognize it? What if there is movement forward but no space to observe such transformation? Take 5 minutes at the end of your shift and recognize all the progress of the day, development conquered and the amazing human being you are.

Action - Set away 5 minutes everyday before you leave work to reflect on all the great progress, communication and relationship building that happened in such a short time period. If you don't have a productivity planner to help prompt you (listed above), check out this free worksheet with a weekly reflection that proves to your brain progress. Moving from zombie mode back to liveliness. Click here to download free worksheet: Self-Growth & Reflection Worksheets


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