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Phases of Burnout Recovery: Phase One Lost & Lonely

Dec 19, 2022

Journey. To sum up the transformation from burnout with physical collapse to where I am now that would be the word. It wasn't until I was leading others through this process that three phases could be observed. Each with its won trials, setbacks, new hurdles and celebrations. Let's break down phase one. Watch video here: YouTube Link

Lost and lonely. Even with those whom have great support systems, it is lonely coming out of the darkness. No one understands unless they have experienced such a thing. Those who have grieved and fought severe addiction come close. 

Surprise triggers. When you begin to look up instead of down at the ground in zombie mode, things look different. Your body responds to these new views, triggering patterns in favorable and unfavorable ways. 

Perspective shifts. It's a different view when you begin evaluating how you got into burnout, looking yourself straight in the mirror and challenging old behaviors to new habits. We dig into this during the Burnout Compass Program

Old pattern suction. The challenges that keep presenting their ugly face to remind you of where you have been, how comfy it would be to stay there and kick you back to the starting line. 

Internalizing feelings. It is difficult to begin coping with stress, trauma, relationship struggles and other contributors to your burnout. If never taught and practiced, the body goes into a protection mode burying this deep inside avoiding the short-term pain. Just like anything worth while, it would benefit you (and I) to focus on the long-term goal over the short-term pain. 

Disconnecting with people. During this phase there is a lot of work, ugly areas to review and certainly new actions being tried out. There is little energy to put toward others. Some see it as isolation. I see it as focused time toward evolution. Know when you have cross over the line into unhealthy isolation, depression or dangerous state of mind. Some space is good for growth. Too much space is allowing lack of community to put you further in burnout. 

Phase Two is where the deep work and transformation begins. Grab up support tools here: Burnout Support


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